Have you been reading a lot about health and fitness recently and  want to jumpstart your diet and fitness? Not sure where to begin? That’s okay, a lot of people get stuck at this stage. 

 It is necessary to create goals before doing any task be it studying or incorporating changes in your life. 

A goal basically helps you aim for a specified result, they keep you focused and allow you to measure your progress. 

In short, goals are very powerful motivational tools that help you achieve your result, increase the rate of success, reduce time wastage and decrease the chances of failure.  

 ‘Setting goals is the first step into turning the invisible into something visible.’ 

Goal setting : rules. 

Now it is important to know how to set these goals. The key is to start small. You should aim on setting ‘SMART’ goals.  

S- Specific 

                           M- Measurable                    

    A- Attainable 

R- Relevant  

     T- Time bound

1) Set SPECIFIC goals. 

A goal has to be as specific as possible as it will make it easier for you to work towards it and achieve it. 

Vague–  I will start eating healthy from monday 

Specific –  I will eat healthy for 5 days a week by meal prepping on sundays. 


2) Set MEASURABLE goals 

If you don’t set measurable goals you will not know when you’ve achieved it. 

 Vague– I will start working out and lose weight. 

Specific – I will lose 5 kgs in one month by working out for 45 mins each day. 


3) Set ATTAINABLE goals 

It is very important to start with small goals since achieving them will give you the push to raise your bars higher. 

  Unattainable – I will lose 5 kgs in 1 week 

Attainable – I will aim to lose 5 kgs in one month by following a strict diet and workout routine. 


4) Set RELEVANT goals 

Do not set goals because of irrelevant reasons. Always have a long term aim behind every goal 

Irrelevant– I will be thin for my sisters wedding. 

Relevant– I will lose 5 kgs in one month in time for my friends wedding. 


5) Set TIME BOUND goals 

If your goal doesn’t have a time limit then it will be difficult for you to work hard towards it and stay motivated.  

No deadline – I Will lose 5 kgs this year.

Deadline – I will lose 5 kgs in 1 month. I will meal prep for at least 5 days a week and create a fixed workout routine for myself.  


Always remember to reward yourself after reaching each goal. Rewards can be in the form of clothing items, a cheat meal or a trip to a spa etc. Rewards help you stay motivated and work harder for your next goal.