Stress eating is one of the most common ways how people cope with stress and anxiety. 

Why is it that after a bad day at work or during exam season you constantly crave ice creams and chocolates? 

That is because when we’re stressed, cortisol, our stress hormone rapidly increases. In turn, the cortisol increases our insulin levels. So what happens when the insulin levels drop? What goes up must go down, so we crave BAD FOOD. 

Stress can turn binge eating into a habit. Think about it, do you feel much better as soon as you munch on your comfort foods? There’s a reason : comfort foods signal the brain to release serotonin and dopamine which are our feel good hormones and give us a sense of satisfaction. Hence that spurs the desire to eat more and more. 

So when you’re stressed —> You binge eat —> Which causes you to gain weight —> You get more stressed —> You eat again to feel better —> It becomes an endless cycle. 

So if binge eating is not an option to cope with stress then what is?

Here are a few tips to help you relieve stress: 

  • Meditate:Find a good ,quiet spot in your house where you can spend a few minutes in the morning to meditate.  Meditation is said to give you a piece of mind. It also reduces heart risk factors. —Try doing yoga. Not only does it help you relax but also helps lose weight.
  • Exercise: when you exercise, the body releases endorphins which help you feel much better after working out. Try to go for a morning or evening run each day.
  • Stay organised: being unorganised can cause us to feel anxious and overwhelmed. Remember, structure is the key. 
  • Listen to music: Music can induce feeling of calmness. So next time you’re having anxiety or stress issues just plug in some earphones and relax.
  • Take a break – Take 15 mins off each day to escape: everyone needs a break from a stressful environment. Escape for a little while and completely shut off your mind, this will help you keep sane.