Hair loss can be one of the most frustrating problems you’ve faced if you’re under constant pressure or stress. Going bald is a universal fear and sometimes no matter what you do, you can’t prevent the excess hair that is on the floor instead of your head. Hair loss can be a major problem when you’re on a weight loss journey. If you’re on a diet then you must have experienced a sudden increase in hair fall. Before you start panicking and visit your doctor, try to analyze your eating habits and other behavior patterns to figure out the possible reason behind your receding hair line. Modifying your dietary habits can make a difference so here are a few food items that can help prevent excessive hair fall.

1) Walnuts

Walnuts are rich in B complex vitamins like B1, B9 and B6 as well as biotin, magnesium and proteins which help in preventing hair fall. They are also rich in omega 3, omega 2 and omega 9 fatty acids that strengthen your hair from the roots and in general nourish your hair making them look healthy.

Tip: Eat a handful of walnuts everyday along with other nuts like almonds which are also rich in essential fatty acids and vitamins like Biotin which are good for hair health.

2) Carrots

Carrots are excellent sources of vitamin A which not only helps in maintaining good vision but also provides nourishment to your scalp. A healthy scalp has stronger roots and results in shiny and well-nourished hair. Fruits and vegetables that are rich in Vitamin A help in improving your overall hair growth.

Tip: Drink 2 glasses of pure carrot juice every day. It is low in calories and can be a healthier substitute for coffee/tea in the evening.

3) Eggs

Eggs are the ultimate choice for breakfast for a majority of the people.  This convenient to make food item is very rich in vitamin B7 also called as Biotin which helps in strengthening hair and brittle nails. They are also loaded with proteins, magnesium and other minerals that help fight hair fall and result in better hair growth. Protein is required for the production of keratin which is a key structure of hair.

Tip: Eat at least 2 eggs per day. You can eat them in the form of omelets, pancakes, boiled eggs etc.

4) Spinach

This iron loaded green leafy vegetable has a lot of health benefits including its ability to help in hair regrowth. It is also packed with vitamin C and A which are essential for maintaining healthy and glossy hair. Spinach is also very rich in sebum which acts like a natural hair conditioner which results in stronger and lustrous hair.

Tip: Add spinach to your  smoothies in combination with fruits like orange to produce a drink well packed with hair loss preventing nutrients.


Fish is an incredible source of omega 3 fatty acids which in addition to improving your overall health also improve the texture of your hair. Inflammations can increase the amount of hair loss. Omega 3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and hence prevent this inflammation thus decreasing your hair loss rate. Fish is also rich in protein, iron and magnesium.

6) Lentils

Lentils are packed protein, zinc, folic acid and biotin which are all important for maintaining strong and healthy hair. Folic acid helps in restoration of RBC’S that help in supplying the scalp with much needed oxygen which helps make the hair strands stronger and prevents breakage.

Tip: Always combine your carbs with protein rich foods like lentils or meat. If you ate meat for lunch then addlentils to your dinner to maintain animal : plant protein ratio.