Water is one of the most important elements in our body and around 60% of our body is made up of water. The importance of water cannot be stressed enough. Water is essential for every vital body function. You can go for three to four weeks without food but you cannot survive for more than 3 days without water. Water is lost through sweat and urine and if your input does not equal your output then your body becomes dehydrated and cause you to become sluggish and feel fatigued. 

Here are 6 reasons why you should be drinking sufficient amount of water.  

1) Aids in  weight loss 

Drinking sufficient amount of water decreases the amount of calories you consume. Hunger is often mistaken for thirst hence increases your tendency to eat more. Drinking water also improves your metabolism and increases the rate at which you burn fat. If you tend to snack often try replacing your snack with a glass of water. 

2)Energizes your muscles 

When you exercise, you sweat profusely and a lot of water is lost from the body. When muscle cells don’t have sufficient amount of body fluid, their performance becomes poor. While working out it is advisable to drink water at regular intervals to replace the fluid that is lost via sweat. Water also keeps your joints lubricated and hence decreases the risk of cramps and sprains. 

 3) Helps maintain good skin 

Skin acts like a barrier and prevents the loss of water from the entire body. Dehydration causes your skin to look dry and wrinkly. Drinking sufficient amount of water keeps your skin moisturized, fresh, smooth and gives it a glow. Some studies have also shown that drinking a lot of water also helps clear acne . 

 4)Flushes out toxins  

When you drink a lot of water  the amount of urine produced increases and a lot of toxins are flushed out from the kidneys. The kidneys play a very important role in cleansing your body hence adequate amount of water must be consumed. Proper hydration prevents the build up of minerals and formation of kidney stones and also decreases the risk of urinary tract infections. 

 5)Aids a healthy bowel 

Proper hydration promotes smooth flow of things along the gastrointestinal tract and hence prevents constipation. When the body is dehydrated, the colon absorbs water from the stool to maintain hydration and hence makes them harder and more painful to pass. Warm water aids in digestion and smooth functioning of the digestive tract. 

 6) Prevents bad breath 

Bad breath is a total turn off and is a clear sign that your body is dehydrated. It is caused by the bacteria that grows in your mouth and this buildup of bacteria causes bad smelling substances called volatile sulphur compound.  Constantly drinking water flushes out these bacteria from the mouth and dilutes the smelly compounds. 


  Tips to increase your water intake  

  • Drink water before meals and not after meals 
  • Always carry a bottle with you and sip throughout the day even if you aren’t thirsty 
  • Tea and coffee also add to your water intake 
  • Drink more healthy teas like green tea, peppermint, chamomile 
  • If water is to boring for you then add slices of fruits to the water and enhance its taste 
  • Add more fruits and vegetables as they also contribute to around 20% of your fluid intake.