Everyone’s idea of a healthy lifestyle is different but there are a few common tips that can help you stay healthy and make each day productive. 

1) Wake up early –

To make a day productive make sure that you rise up early and get your work done. Your mind has the highest concentration levels early in the morning.  


2) Drink a glass of water – 

As soon as you wake up make sure you drink a glass of water. Drinking water not only refreshes you but also keeps your body hydrated and helps you control your hunger. The best way to drink sufficient Carry a bottle along with you always and sip even if you aren’t thirsty.  

3)  Get active 

Plan your schedule in such a way that you spend at least 45 minutes working out. Working out not only rejuvenates your body but also increases your concentration levels. A lot of people find it better to concentrate after a good workout session. Click here to read more about the importance of exercising. 


4) Eat a good breakfast: 

You need to have enough energy to get your work done efficiently. Skipping breakfast would make you feel sluggish and make it difficult for you to concentrate throughout the day. A good breakfast restores the glucose in your body and hence energizes you. Read more about  importance of breakfast


5) Plan a schedule  

Make a list of all the things you have to do and set reminders in your mobile. A schedule keeps you organised and reminders make sure that you don’t forget something important. Staying organised prevents you from stressing and getting overwhelmed. 


6) Take a break 

It is necessary to take short breaks every now and then to prevent losing concentration. Taking a break also de-stresses your mind and prevents anxiety. You can go out for a walk or listen to some music. Naps are also effective in case of over worked individuals.  Always keep some snacks on hand  so you can constantly boost yourself. 


7) Sleep well: 

A disrupted sleeping cycle would just prevent you from waking up early and hence ruin the entire day. Lack of sleep results in fatigue, decreased concentration levels and poor productivity. Poor sleeping patterns also weaken your will power and result in imbalance of hormones which in turn can effect your appetite and result in gaining weight.