Lets just all admit how it is practically impossible to stick with your diet for a long period of time. You crave unhealthy food more profoundly when you refrain from eating them. It is at this stage that we should stay strong and try to curb our cravings.

Here are a few tips that will help you to stay healthy :

  • Get educated.

The first step to doing anything is to research in detail about it. Get information from the right sources , preferably a dietician and not via random posts. Try studying about  the different deficiencies,diseases, food labels etc..Getting the right knowledge makes you want to change for good.

  • Set short term and attainable goals.

The key to achieving anything is to start slow.Setting more realistic and easier to achieve goals will increase your confidence and help you set higher goals. For example aim for including 3 fruits in your  menu or to drink 3 extra glasses of water.

  • Maintain a food journal

Take 10 minutes from your busy schedules to just write down everything you’ve been eating. Food journals help you track down your meals and help you to change your eating habits.

  • Make it personal

Think of how you feel currently and why you want to change. Picture how you would look after switching to a healthier lifestyle. When you constantly think of your goal, you’re automatically motivated. Always remember, everything you do is for YOURSELF. Not to please anybody or to become like anybody.

  • Switch it, not quit it

 Try switching your foods one at a time, at your own pace. If you stop eating all junk food at once, you’re going to come back craving twice as more. So always keep in mind to take it slow and instead of quitting, try replacing. For example, Replace your fried chips with baked wedges, oils with healthier oils like olive oil, milk chocolates with pure dark chocolates etc..

  • Try something new

   Eating baked veggies or oatmeal everyday is going to bore you out. Hence try your best to experiment new dishes and add them to your diet. Variety always enhances the satiety.

  • Partner up

 It always helps to have someone constantly remind you and motivate you to achieve your goals. Find someone with  similar goals and partner up with them. This way you can hold each other accountable for eating healthy and keep yourselves on the track.

  • Get excited

After a period of time, the initial excitement dies down and then you feel bored with your routine. Try to change these moments by including something fun in your routines., like trying a new recipe or finding a new workout place.

  • Celebrate

  The best way to stay motivated is to celebrate after achieving a goal no matter how small it is. Reward yourself with clothes or anything that you like. Rewards give you a reason to complete a task.


Last but not the least, never forget to ENJOY. Don’t think of eating healthy as a bothersome task. Try to enjoy everything you do because that alone gives you a reason to not give up.